biker vest: 7 for all mankind, shirt: Topshop, necklace and bracelet: Shourouk, sunglasses: Le conservatoire …

shirt: Equipment, jeans: JBrand, shoes: Schutz, bag: Chloe’, sunnies: RayBan, rings and bracelets: Ca&Lou
special thanx to valentina melzi photographer
Il flare jeans bianco: must have di primavera 2016.
Oggi lo indosso abbinato ad una camicia firmata Equipment con tigri disegnate che fanno molto safari-time in citta’. Potete pero’provare l’alternativa con tshirt irriverente di cotone ed All Star ai piedi se preferite una versione più easy. Io ho abbinato le scarpe multi-lace stiletto molto sexy e la vintage bag di Chloe’. Ditemi la vostra nei commenti!
White flared jeans: here’s the must-have of this 2016 Spring.
Today I’m combining them with this beautiful shirt by Equipment that, with its tiger prints makes me feel like it’s safari-time in the city. If you’re looking for an easy version of the same look you can always combine the jeans with an irreverent cotton t-shirt and All-Star sneakers. I opted for the sexy multi-lace shoes, stiletto-style, and the vintage bag by Chloè. Tell me what you think in the comment box!
with love, Elena
bellissimo outfit…dalla camicia alle scarpe!