And the Oscar for the best dressed goes to…

Domenica scorsa si è tenuta a Los Angeles, l’annuale notte degli Oscar. Ma chi era la meglio vestita? Il rosso trionfava e, manco a dirlo, prevedo un’esplosione di tinte calde per la prossima stagione; ma il premio all’abito top, va all’algida Gwyneth Paltrow, che con una tunica bianca firmata Tom Ford ha incantato tutti. Ecco qui le foto più belle della serata e dell’after party Vanity Fair.

Last Sunday was held in Los Angeles, the annual Oscar night. But who was the best dressed? The red triumphed and, needless to say, I predict an explosion of warm colors for next season; but the award to the best dress goes to the “frozen” Gwyneth Paltrow, that with a white tunic by Tom Ford has charmed everyone. Here are the best photos of the evening and of the after party Vanity Fair.



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